At Home Drug Test Kits
iScreen 1-Panel Dip Card
Use this drug test for testing yourself or others for signs of drugs in urine. This at-home drug test helps you maintain your privacy and is an easy, accurate and fast way to test for drugs.
Single panel urine drug tests can test for the following drugs:
  1. Marijuana
  2. Cocaine
  3. Methamphetamines & Amphetamines
  4. Opiates
  5. Benzodiazepines
  6. Barbiturates
  7. PCP
Great way to drug test in the privacy of your own home on yourself or others.
Drug Test
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iScreen 6-Panel Dip Card
Just as easy as the single-dip drug test this 6-panel drug test card tests with the same accuracy, speed and convenience but with the added benefit of testing for 5 drugs instead of just one. Test for marijuana, methamphetamines / amphetamines, cocaine, opiates, pcp and oxycodone/oxycontin (as well as other opiod based pain medications)
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OrAlert Oral Fluids Test
Use the OrAlert Oral Fluids Test to test for drug metabolites in an oral swab test in the comfort and convenience of your home. Saliva drug test can be conducted with the donor right in front of you, lessening the chance of tampering. Less invasive than other forms of drug testing. Detect traces of up to 6 major types of drug metabolites in saliva. THC, PCP, Amphetamines, Benzodiazepines, Opiates and Cocaine. Able to determine current or continuing use and impairment from drugs.
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Home Hair Drug Test Kit
Test your hair for traces of drugs. Get accurate results fast with our Home Hair Drug Test Kit which can give you the results of your drug screen hair test within 24 to 48 hours after sampling. Simple, in-home kit. Most accurate method of detecting drug use. Small sample of hair required from the scalp. Detailed analysis gives results of drug metabolites found in the hair shaft.
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AlcoScreen Alcohol Test Strips
AlcoScreen Alcohol Test Strips are perfect for testing the current impairment or recent consumption of alcohol. These are a highly effective and efficient alcohol drug test and can give you results as you wait. Dont get caught, test yourself first and pass a saliva drug test.
$19.95 / 4-pack
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